Advisory Group Member (Immediate Past President)

Timothy Stirrup, CSP, CHMM, REM

Mr. Timothy Stirrup is a Certified Safety Professional, Certified Hazardous Materials Manager, Registered Environmental Manager, Industrial Hygienist, Laser Safety Officer, Partner and Principal Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Professional and System Safety Engineer with Parvati Consulting & Government Services Inc., both based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Tim holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology and Bachelor of Science degree Chemistry from the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NM Tech) and has over 35 years of experience as an Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) professional, including performing and guiding hazards analyses that adhere to the principles in the “Redbook” – Guidelines for Hazard Evaluation Procedures, 3rd Ed (CCPS 2008). Mr. Stirrup’s primary responsibilities and areas of expertise are centered around establishing the framework for clients in Hazard Analysis within a diverse set of industrial facilities including nuclear facilities, accelerators, semiconductor facilities, research and development (R&D) laboratories, and dynamic energetic materials testing facilities. Tim provides direct input to Line/Executive Management and Regulators to ensure solutions for continued organizational success and is respected for his ability to work with highly functional teams and solve diverse, complex problems.

Mr. Stirrup holds many leadership positions and currently serves as President for the New Mexico Society for Hazardous Materials Managers (NMSHMM); Vice-President for the New Mexico Chapter of the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP); Vice President for the International System Safety Society (ISSS) Virtual Chapter; Vice President for the International System Safety Society (ISSS) New Mexico Chapter; Communications & Social Media Operating Vice-President (OVP) for the International System Safety Society (ISSS); and has served on numerous professional committees and boards throughout his tenure [such as Energy Facilities Contractors Group (EFCOG); Accelerator Safety Work-group (ASW); Air and Waste Management Association (AWMA)]. Tim is recognized as an Alliance of Hazardous Materials Professionals (AHMP) Distinguished Lecturer (inaugural class) and is continually asked by clients, peers, and professionals in the EHS community to present at both local and national Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS), Industrial Hygiene (IH), and Occupational Safety (OS) conferences.