Zia Section has a widely dispersed membership, serving the Counties of Dona Ana, Otero, Lincoln, Grant, Luna, Hidalgo, and Sierra. We recognize the difficulty for many of our members to attend a monthly meeting in Las Cruces and continue to explore ways to use technology to conduct virtual meetings. We will send updates when this develops further.
Our local meetings are the 1st Wednesday of most months. The location changes as we try to provide a variety of activities for members such as vendor visits, tours, dinner roundtables, etc. If you would like to know more about our meetings, please check the NM Chapter calendar and/or email the address below to be placed on our distribution list.
We look forward to seeing you and making you part of our networking group.
Email us at ziasection@nm.assp.org to get on our mailing list and to give feedback and suggestions about tours, vendors or subjects you would like to see discussed.
Use the Contact Us page to email the chapter leadership team.
Juanita Miller
Secretary and Treasurer
Case Van Dyke